Frequently Asked Questions

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ScaleCred uses proprietary Pixel-Based Machine Learning Technology (PBMLT) to read and extract data from financial reports. PBMLT overcomes limitations of optical character recognition (OCR) by enabling page and character recognition in any document format, even scanned documents with high ‘noise’ levels.

ScaleCred goes beyond extracting data from financial reports. It enables advanced analysis such as testing assumptions / financial projections, performing DCF analysis, sensitivity analysis, and portfolio health monitoring.

The ScaleCred platform can read and extract information from all types of document formats, including scanned documents, Word, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint and images (JPEG).
We offer a customized financial spreading solution to our clients. Accordingly, the integration and deployment time will differ based on the type of output required, where the solution is being deployed (on-premises or cloud), complexity of integration, IT/data security requirements and other factors.
We offer a 100% customizable solution. Data that is extracted from reports can be mapped to clients’ accounting methodology and updated in a specific template for customized output.
By using pixel-based machine reading capabilities and advanced artificial intelligence (AI), ScaleCred auto-detects and standardizes line items/terminologies before classifying them under relevant heads in client templates.
We work closely with clients to ensure that the ScaleCred platform complies with their data security and confidentiality requirements. Clients have the option of selecting the deployment method – including on-premise and cloud-based – that is mandated by their IT and data security policies.
Yes, it is possible to add additional data to the output. Clients can request for additional external or internal data to be added to the output, including capital market data such as stock prices and market capitalization.
Between 1 minute and 4 hours, depending on factors such as data to be extracted from reports, level of analysis required, and format of the template.
ScaleCred has been successfully deployed by some of the leading banks and financial institutions globally. Please visit the Case Studies page for more details on our clients and the solutions provided to them.

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