Redefining credit underwriting through AI-enabled financial spreading and intelligent analytics.
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Our Company
Over 5 years ago, we recognized the need for a comprehensive financial spreading solution that could overcome the many limitations of then-existing automated systems, primary among them being the use of document scanning technology that fell reasonably short of expectations. We developed a powerful, proprietary technology that employed pixel-based scanning to dramatically improve the level of accuracy.
The result was ScaleCred, a platform that redefined credit underwriting and risk analysis through its unique features and insights.
Different file formats or handwritten
Tabular format
Different font styles or font size
Scanned copies with high “noise” levels

Starting with financial spreading as its core offering, ScaleCred has constantly worked towards enhancing the level of credit and risk analysis. The combination of technology and domain specialists helps in streamlining clients’ underwriting processes.

Along with automated financial spreading, we offer value-added features that help banks and financial institutions augment their decision-making abilities.

Designed with ever-changing requirements in mind, ScaleCred offers a completely customizable environment that can be designed to suit client organizational needs.
Our Clients
Since inception, ScaleCred has worked with 100+ clients across the financial services spectrum, including
Investment Banks
Commercial Banks
Non-banking Lenders
Our Competitive Advantage
ScaleCred is constantly implementing value-added features to enhance the level of analysis. Besides offering a comprehensive financial spreading platform, ScaleCred employs text analytics technologies to analyze structured & unstructured data. Our clients have acknowledged the following impacts in their underwriting processes:
50% to 70%
Cost savings in
underwriting processes.
3x to 10x
Improvement in cycle
Detailed risk profile
of borrower’s financial
in underwriting
Our Leadership
Vishal Garg
Areas of Expertise
Banking, Credit Risk, Artificial Intelligence, Data

Vishal has three decades of multi-continent financial industry experience. He had a distinguished international banking career with Citigroup acting as a leading authority on credit risk data and technology. He previously served on the management team of e-Serve International Ltd. He is also an active participant in the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council and McKinsey Quarterly Global Surveys Executive Panel.

Vishal has a passion for leveraging AI and other cutting-edge technologies to improve lending and credit risk processes. He is a CFA charter holder and an alumnus of the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE). Vishal has successfully completed the ‘Leading with Data and Analytics’ program from Chicago Booth School of Business.

Gautam Mehra
Head, Product Development
Areas of Expertise
Fintech, Financial Analytics, Credit Risk, Investment Research

Gautam is a seasoned finance professional with 22+ years of experience primarily in the knowledge services industry. As a Global Delivery Manager, he has managed large offshore teams supporting global offices of bulge-bracket and mid-market banks. As the Head of Product Development at ScaleCred, Gautam is responsible for ideating and implementing new features to enhance the existing suite of products.

Gautam has also been a prolific writer of thought leadership and research-based content, authoring articles independently as well as on behalf of clients. Some of his independent work has been published in Medium. Gautam is a Chartered Accountant and an alumnus of St. Xavier’s College.

Mayank Mishra
Strategic Advisor
Areas of Expertise
Digital Transformation, Open Banking, Payments, Corporate Treasury

Mayank is a strategic advisor with 25+ years of industry experience with leading Wall Street banks, most recently as Managing Director and Global Head of Digital Channels for Citi. He is currently working as an independent consultant with leading research and advisory firms.

Mayank is an industry thought leader, having authored number of articles, including Invisible Bank – Era of Frictionless Connectivity and Future of Digital Connectivity both available at He has also delivered podcasts and has been quoted by publications such as The Banker, CIO Review, and Finextra.

Daniel Steininger JD
Strategic Advisor
Areas of Expertise
Innovation, Investment Funds, Public Speaking

Dan is a successful author of two books on innovation. He teaches a business innovation course at Arizona State University. Dan has a track record of running highly successful financial institutions, one of which grew revenues by over $2 billion during his tenure. He also launched a successful mutual fund. Dan managed an angel investment fund called Successful Entrepreneur Investors. He speaks nationally and internationally on the topics of innovation. He has also been the author of a regular column in the Biz Times: Innovate or Die.

Dan has served as chairman of the Wisconsin Chapter of the global organization Young Presidents Organization. He was awarded a Juris Doctor Degree from the Boston University School of Law, a CLU degree from American University, and obtained Series 6 and 63 securities licenses.

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